Udemy Nextjs Mern Stack Build Advance Job Portal 2024

38.89 GB | 00:22:40 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 installation (56.53 MB)
2 nextjs install (43.5 MB)
3 need your upport (2.57 MB)
4 Reviews and Ratings (1.98 MB)
1 team size model (23.88 MB)
10 update team context api (47.87 MB)
11 delete team context api (40.63 MB)
12 create team component (38.04 MB)
13 teamlist component (34.38 MB)
14 create team page (75.04 MB)
15 error fix and data seeding (35.96 MB)
2 import file (19.52 MB)
3 team size get api (26.53 MB)
4 team size post api (30.11 MB)
5 team size put api (43.08 MB)
6 team size delete api (17.43 MB)
7 team size context (87.39 MB)
8 create team context api (41.66 MB)
9 fetch team context api (33.19 MB)
1 Country model (32.51 MB)
10 Country update context api (57.9 MB)
11 Country delete context api (57.49 MB)
12 Country create component (69.8 MB)
13 Country list component (39.28 MB)
14 Country page (39.8 MB)
15 Country page error fix (8.88 MB)
16 Country crud opration (47.43 MB)
17 Country data seeding (37.73 MB)
2 Country get api (42.8 MB)
3 Country post api (26.01 MB)
4 Country put api (45.07 MB)
5 Country delete api (26.92 MB)
6 Country create context api (40.89 MB)
7 Country provider (34.28 MB)
8 Country create context api (60.06 MB)
9 Country fetch context api (32.57 MB)
1 State model (52.91 MB)
10 State update context api method (67.24 MB)
11 State delete context api method (47.36 MB)
12 State create component and page (35.37 MB)
13 State page error fix (3.5 MB)
14 State input field (80.63 MB)
15 State fetch country list (71.46 MB)
16 State country dropdown (135.43 MB)
17 State country dropdown error fix (7.99 MB)
18 populate countryid (88.13 MB)
19 State data seeding1 (29.4 MB)
2 State get api (37.46 MB)
20 state data seeding 2 (26.53 MB)
3 State post api (51.61 MB)
4 State put api (46.43 MB)
5 State delete api (18.21 MB)
6 State create context api (69.27 MB)
7 State value pass to context (30.41 MB)
8 State create context api method (98.58 MB)
9 State fetch context api method (48.5 MB)
1 City model (51.33 MB)
10 City create page and component (36.14 MB)
11 City create component (225.13 MB)
12 City crud opration (170.94 MB)
13 City data seeding (50.58 MB)
14 City create context api method (118.65 MB)
2 City get api (33.19 MB)
3 City post api (47.26 MB)
4 City put api (44.58 MB)
5 City delete api (24.5 MB)
6 City create context api and wrap layout (95.29 MB)
7 City fetch context api method (27.8 MB)
8 City update context api method (69.13 MB)
9 City delete context api method (44.53 MB)
1 Language model (19.78 MB)
10 Language data seeding (16.53 MB)
2 Language post and get api (34.71 MB)
3 Language put and delete api (25.01 MB)
4 Language create and fetch context api (59.36 MB)
5 Language update and delete context api (76.43 MB)
6 Language create component and page (41.87 MB)
7 Language create component (47.22 MB)
8 Language list component (31.91 MB)
9 Language crud Opration (16.45 MB)
1 Skill model (14.12 MB)
2 Skill get and post api (22.54 MB)
3 Skill put and delete api (25.41 MB)
4 Skill create and fetch context api (44.44 MB)
5 Skill update and delete context api (48.76 MB)
6 Skill create component (24.07 MB)
7 Skill crud and page (29.74 MB)
8 Skill data seeding (20.45 MB)
1 Profession model (19.7 MB)
10 Profession data seeding (32.59 MB)
2 Profession get and post api (44.99 MB)
3 Profession put and delete api (44.86 MB)
4 Profession create and fetch context api (87.48 MB)
5 Profession update and delete context api (75.66 MB)
6 Profession value pass to the context api (46.24 MB)
7 Profession create component (60.17 MB)
8 Profession list component (36.97 MB)
9 Profession page and crud opration (31.16 MB)
1 Jobtype model (18.93 MB)
10 Jobtype pass value to context api (37.98 MB)
2 Jobtype get and post api (40.7 MB)
3 Jobtype put and delete api (43.36 MB)
4 Jobtype create and fetch context api (62.16 MB)
5 Jobtype update and delete context api (50.66 MB)
6 Jobtype create component (56.82 MB)
7 Jobtype list component (34.92 MB)
8 Jobtype page and crud opration (22.1 MB)
9 Jobtype data seeding (25.52 MB)
1 Salarytype model (18.45 MB)
10 Salarytype data seeding (17.27 MB)
2 Salarytype get and post api (31.34 MB)
3 Salarytype put and delete api (18.9 MB)
4 Salarytype create and fetch context api (59.13 MB)
5 Salarytype update and delete context api (37.37 MB)
6 Salarytype pass value to the context api (37.51 MB)
7 Salarytype create component (41.19 MB)
8 Salarytype list component (27.18 MB)
9 Salarytype page and crud opration (38.02 MB)
1 Job categories model (28.5 MB)
10 Job categories list component (22.4 MB)
11 Job categories page create (32.16 MB)
12 Job categories crud opration (29.38 MB)
13 Job categories data seeding (24.05 MB)
2 Job categories get api (40.54 MB)
3 Job categories post api (34.41 MB)
4 Job categories put api (42.95 MB)
5 Job categories delete api (20.72 MB)
6 Job categories create and fetch conteaxt api (102.04 MB)
7 Job categories update and delete context api (69.32 MB)
8 Job categories pass value to the context api (45.66 MB)
9 Job categories create component (95.15 MB)
1 home page template setup (213.57 MB)
2 home page template setup 2 (214.52 MB)
1 education model (21.48 MB)
10 education data seeding (29.59 MB)
2 education get and post api (27.56 MB)
3 education put and delete api (31.22 MB)
4 education create and fetch context api (63.01 MB)
5 education update and delete context api (43.33 MB)
6 education pass value to the context api (38.95 MB)
7 education create component (47.54 MB)
8 education list component (29.36 MB)
9 education create page and crud opration (20.58 MB)
1 tag model (19.24 MB)
10 tag data seeding and error fix (50.06 MB)
2 tag get and post api (28.29 MB)
3 tag put and delete api (26.55 MB)
4 tag create and fetch context api (44.43 MB)
5 tag update and delete context api (32.68 MB)
6 tag pass value to the context api (41.31 MB)
7 tag create component (49.93 MB)
8 tag list component (24.83 MB)
9 tag create page and crud opration (26.07 MB)
1 jobrole model (22.48 MB)
10 jobrole create page and crud opration (95.78 MB)
11 jobrole data seeding (19.78 MB)
2 jobrole get and post api (35.18 MB)
3 jobrole put and delete api (32.77 MB)
4 jobrole create and fetch context api (43.12 MB)
5 jobrole update context api (34.32 MB)
6 jobrole delete context api (21.57 MB)
7 jobrole pass value to the context api (28.55 MB)
8 jobrole create component (41.15 MB)
9 jobrole list component (24.48 MB)
1 jobexperience model (20.09 MB)
10 jobexperience data seeding (45.28 MB)
2 jobexperience get and post api (24.15 MB)
3 jobexperiance put and delete api (23.57 MB)
4 Jobexperience create and fetch context api (50.8 MB)
5 jobexperience update and delete context api (41.05 MB)
6 jobexperience pass value to the context api (36.35 MB)
7 jobexperience create component (39.26 MB)
8 jobexperience list component (24.66 MB)
9 jobexperience page and crud opration (25.19 MB)
1 Company model (152.76 MB)
10 Companyinfo logo api (93.55 MB)
11 companyinfo upload banner (83.47 MB)
12 Companyinfo error fix (46.85 MB)
13 Companyinfo handlesubmit (81.04 MB)
14 Companyinfo post api (211.67 MB)
15 Companyinfo get api (45.61 MB)
16 Companyinfo fetch and populate (111.75 MB)
2 Company page and profile complete (65.03 MB)
3 Company profile complete api (108.26 MB)
4 Company profile completion and error fix company dashboard (78.8 MB)
5 Company profile page creation (47.81 MB)
6 Companyinfo form creation (90.71 MB)
7 Companyinfo logo upload (89.64 MB)
8 companyinfo logo and banner (76.38 MB)
9 about cloudinary (54.01 MB)
1 Public context api team (74.02 MB)
2 Public context api city (36.91 MB)
3 Public context api organization (30.63 MB)
4 Public context api industry (20.61 MB)
5 Public context api state (32.72 MB)
1 Foundinginfo component creation (39.6 MB)
10 Foundigninfo api (148.18 MB)
11 Foundinginfo get api (31.83 MB)
12 Foundinginfo fetch (107.18 MB)
13 Foundinginfo data populate (130.63 MB)
2 Foundinginfo import context api and state create (185.94 MB)
3 Foundinginfo creating selection field (93.96 MB)
4 Foundinginfo component creation2 (122.21 MB)
5 Foundinginfo component creation3 (102.61 MB)
6 Foundinginfo handlecountrychamge and handlestatechange (96.55 MB)
7 Foundinginfo get state on the basis of countryid (83.44 MB)
8 Foundinginfo all field created (63.42 MB)
9 Foundinginfo handlesubmit (108.24 MB)
1 Account component (115.69 MB)
2 Admin password update api (73.29 MB)
3 admin account update and handlesubmit (48.56 MB)
4 admin account update (128.61 MB)
1 admin job create (185.79 MB)
10 error fix and select city (46.06 MB)
11 salary details (91.85 MB)
12 attribute details (101.58 MB)
13 attribute details api (100.4 MB)
14 tag api (130.46 MB)
15 tag error fix (12.65 MB)
16 benfet field (35.34 MB)
17 skill select (49.94 MB)
18 job create form completed (67.01 MB)
19 job create form validation (110.48 MB)
2 state create for all input field (133.69 MB)
20 job create handlesubmit (47.04 MB)
21 job create api (118.3 MB)
22 creating job model part1 (53.88 MB)
23 creating job model part2 (158.67 MB)
24 save job in database (174.62 MB)
25 save job in database issue fix (41.02 MB)
26 create model tag ,benfit, skill (86.92 MB)
27 create benfits model (21.61 MB)
28 save job in database part2 (120.66 MB)
29 job created success and issue fix (72.02 MB)
3 import context api (61.13 MB)
4 destrucutre context api (131.7 MB)
5 select job category (148.73 MB)
6 select company (97.56 MB)
7 date change and vacanccies (38.29 MB)
8 fetch country (61.49 MB)
9 fetch state on the basis of countryid (105.51 MB)
1 create job get api (66.03 MB)
10 take job id from url (56.01 MB)
11 fetching job on admin dashboard (114.09 MB)
12 populate job in the field 1 (103.45 MB)
13 populate job in the field part 2 (76.04 MB)
14 populate job in the field part 3 (238.66 MB)
15 admin education and description issue fix (170.56 MB)
16 admin education and decription issue fix part 2 (96.19 MB)
17 admin job crud (57.85 MB)
2 fetch jobs to admin dashboard (61.81 MB)
3 display jobs in table (99.61 MB)
4 job handle delete fucttion (33.48 MB)
5 job delete api (53.75 MB)
6 job edit api (94.34 MB)
7 handleedit function (36.56 MB)
8 job details api part 1 (50.44 MB)
9 job details api part 2 (59.91 MB)
1 navbar (106.47 MB)
2 login ,register ,pricing page (37.33 MB)
3 register page state creation (192.78 MB)
1 company job get api (85.3 MB)
10 fetch job and populate in the from field (35.63 MB)
11 company job edit (207.66 MB)
12 fix job edit issues (20.87 MB)
2 company jop post api (75.94 MB)
3 company job put and delete api (79.35 MB)
4 job created by company (98.94 MB)
5 company job on the dashboard (181.53 MB)
6 create company and job (165.67 MB)
7 fetched job to the dashboard (63.96 MB)
8 display job in the table (122.56 MB)
9 job deleted by company (98.17 MB)
1 check user profile is complete or not (100.99 MB)
10 candidate picture upload and delete api (47.1 MB)
11 picture upload to the cloudinary (38.13 MB)
12 candidate picture upload isuue fix (54.58 MB)
13 delete candidate picture (69.37 MB)
14 handlesubmit function (141.21 MB)
15 candidate basic details post api part 1 (83.74 MB)
16 candidate post api (152.49 MB)
17 candidate basic details get api (34.66 MB)
18 fetched basic details on the candidate dashboeard (103.01 MB)
19 candidate basic profile completed (49.28 MB)
2 check user profile complete or not api (58.79 MB)
3 candidate model (148.7 MB)
4 candidate basic age detail setup (103.35 MB)
5 candidate basic details state creation (61.14 MB)
6 define all function for basic details (134.55 MB)
7 candidte upload resume (208.92 MB)
8 candidate resume uploded part 2 (48.69 MB)
9 candidate picture upload and resize (108.55 MB)
1 candidate profile component (49.59 MB)
10 candidate profile section post api part 1 (126.59 MB)
11 candidate profile section post api part 2 (94.92 MB)
12 candidate profile section post api issue fix (108.92 MB)
13 candidate profile get api (71.24 MB)
14 candidate profile fetched data and populate in the form (215.46 MB)
2 candidate profile section state creation part 1 (115.49 MB)
3 candidate profile section import cotext api (95.45 MB)
4 candidate profile section language and peofession get api (80.99 MB)
5 candidate profile section creating state for skill prof,lang (89.82 MB)
6 candidate prifile section work on profession dropdown (106.63 MB)
7 candidate profile section store all the value in the state (109.4 MB)
8 candidate profile section handlesubmit function (129.82 MB)
9 candidate profile section creating model for skill,lang (62.82 MB)
1 candidate experience state creation (96.82 MB)
10 candidate experience model (89.11 MB)
11 candidate experience update part 1 (133.68 MB)
12 candidate experience update part 2 (154.26 MB)
13 candidate experience update part 3 (30.35 MB)
2 candidate experience prepare data for handlesubmit function (138.63 MB)
3 candidate experience handlesubmit function (112.19 MB)
4 cadidate experience model (68.94 MB)
5 candidate experience post api (172.53 MB)
6 candidate experience get api (51.23 MB)
7 candidate experience fetched to the dashboard (96.39 MB)
8 candidate experience handle delete function (79.32 MB)
9 candidate experience put and delete api (83.16 MB)
1 candidate education state creation (43.23 MB)
10 candidate education updated function (50.16 MB)
2 candidate education handlesubmit function (76 MB)
3 candidate education model (40.8 MB)
4 candidate education post and get api (64.98 MB)
5 candidate edcation put and delete api (37.91 MB)
6 candidate education data save in database (95.5 MB)
7 candidate education fetched data (72.24 MB)
8 candidate education delete method (44.63 MB)
9 candidate education open and close model (97.77 MB)
1 candidate account settings template mastring (54.59 MB)
2 candidate account settings state creation (101.56 MB)
3 candidate account settings part 1 (97.53 MB)
4 candidate account settings handle country (87.05 MB)
5 candidate handle submit function (142.08 MB)
6 candidate account settings post and get api (114.21 MB)
7 candidate account settings fetched data (89.37 MB)
1 ccandidate account settings password update (125.89 MB)
2 candidate account settings password api (92.55 MB)
1 admin handle switch button (162.23 MB)
2 job status changed by admin (95.48 MB)
1 payment settings template mastring (73.45 MB)
10 payment settings stripe onchange method (99.12 MB)
11 payment settings handlesubmit function (53.55 MB)
12 payment settings stripe keys (25.44 MB)
13 payment settings stirpe fetched data and populate (67.98 MB)
14 payment settings razorpay state creation (50.48 MB)
15 payment settigs razorpay onchange method (71.66 MB)
16 payment settings handlesubmit function (52.38 MB)
17 payment settings razorpay fetched data and populate (99 MB)
2 payment settings state creation (53.95 MB)
3 payment settings paypal form part 1 (125.12 MB)
4 payment settings paypal handlesubmit function (80.97 MB)
5 payament settings paypal model creation (43.72 MB)
6 payment settings post api (95.33 MB)
7 payment settings get api (23.92 MB)
8 payment settings fetched method (95.77 MB)
9 payment settings stripe state creation (70.51 MB)
1 site settings template mastring (56.11 MB)
2 sitesettings onchange method (78.17 MB)
3 sitessettings handlesubmit function (76.1 MB)
4 sitesettings post and get api (55.9 MB)
5 sitesettings fetched data and populate (59.74 MB)
6 loading page (34.53 MB)
7 not found page (32.72 MB)
1 register api (189.92 MB)
2 error fix (68.16 MB)
1 dynamic pricing (76.6 MB)
10 dynamic pricing handledelete function (81.34 MB)
11 dynamic pricing open model (99.86 MB)
12 dynamic pricing value and onchange method (95.74 MB)
13 dynamic pricing handlsave function (115.54 MB)
14 dynamic pricing page (61.64 MB)
15 dynamic pricing page part 2 (82.75 MB)
16 dynamic pricing order model (68.27 MB)
17 dynamic pricing user plan model (53.41 MB)
18 dynamic pricing fetched plan on checkout page (128.74 MB)
19 dynamic pricing razorpay payment part 1 (64.78 MB)
2 dynamic pricing state creation (57.28 MB)
20 dynamic pricing razorpay payment part 2 (92.14 MB)
21 dynamic pricing razorpay payment part 3 (115.15 MB)
22 dynamic pricing razorpay payment part 4 (60.14 MB)
23 dynamic pricing razorpay verify payment function (97.05 MB)
24 dynamic pricing razorpay verify payment method api part 1 (162.75 MB)
25 dynamic pricing razorpay verify payment method api part 2 (166.96 MB)
26 dynamic pricing razorpay payment part 1 (131.38 MB)
27 dynamic pricing razorpay payment part 2 (122.24 MB)
28 dynamic pricing stripe handle payment function (61.73 MB)
29 dynamic pricng api end point (128.42 MB)
3 dynamic pricing value and onchange method (140.34 MB)
30 dynamic pricng api end point par 2 (96.57 MB)
31 dynamic pricng stripe handle payment success function (102.05 MB)
32 dynamic pricng stripe payment verify and save in database (165.05 MB)
33 dynamic pricing handlepaypal function (57.05 MB)
34 dynamic pricing paypal api part 1 (189.68 MB)
35 dynamic pricing paypal api part 2 (92.63 MB)
36 dynamic pricing handle paypal success function (39.33 MB)
37 dynamic pricing paypal success api part 1 (105.54 MB)
38 dynamic pricing paypal success api part 2 (105.61 MB)
4 dynamic pricing handlesubmit function (60.45 MB)
5 dynamic pricing plan model creation (51.17 MB)
6 dynamic pricing plan post and get api (76.27 MB)
7 dynamic pricing plan put and delete api (31.67 MB)
8 dynamic pricing fetched data (80.09 MB)
9 dynamic pricing display data in pricing card (104.1 MB)
1 payament button hide and show on pricing page (94.74 MB)
2 payament button hide and show api (35.98 MB)
3 pricing page frontendshow and home page pricing (35.43 MB)
1 company post limited job part 1 (129.36 MB)
2 company post limited job part 2 (55.27 MB)
1 fetch all orders on admin dashboard part 1 (60.37 MB)
2 fetch all orders on admin dashboard part 2 (19.34 MB)
3 orders filter on admin dashboard (130.13 MB)
4 admin order details page (124.95 MB)
5 fetch order details page on admin dashboard (58.88 MB)
6 display plan on details page (129.15 MB)
7 invoice download document (90.23 MB)
8 invoice download document part 2 (176.05 MB)
1 company orders page (43.56 MB)
2 company orders page api (94.77 MB)
1 candidate template mastring (83.03 MB)
10 display skill in filter component (81.85 MB)
11 candidate page urlsearchparams (66.66 MB)
12 candidate page urlsearchparams (74.19 MB)
13 candidate single page (209.27 MB)
14 candidate single page api part 1 (74.94 MB)
15 candidate single page api part 2 (104.29 MB)
16 candidate single page details part 1 (155.51 MB)
17 candidate single page details part 2 (154 MB)
2 candidate page get api (124.62 MB)
3 display candidate details in the card (118.35 MB)
4 display candidate skills in card (92.72 MB)
5 import context api in filter component (72.24 MB)
6 map country in filter component (157.8 MB)
7 filter component handleremovefilter function (176.87 MB)
8 display state in filter component (103.35 MB)
9 display city in filter component (77.95 MB)
1 Companies page (80.69 MB)
10 fetch company job function (61.96 MB)
11 company job get api (140.95 MB)
12 company job card on single page (82.06 MB)
2 companies get api (66.26 MB)
3 company card component (57.6 MB)
4 company filter component part 1 (127.15 MB)
5 company filter component part 2 (81.24 MB)
6 company urlsearchparams (58.4 MB)
7 company filter api (88.03 MB)
8 company single page part 1 (81.86 MB)
9 company single page part 2 (228.22 MB)
1 searchjob page (85.22 MB)
2 searchjob api (82.67 MB)
3 search job filter component part 1 (190.15 MB)
4 search job filter component part 2 (123.07 MB)
5 search job urlsearchparamas (35.97 MB)
6 search job filter api (112.52 MB)
7 searchjob fetch skill on job card (140.21 MB)
8 searchjob fetch skills api (87.97 MB)
1 bookmark and unbookmark function (104.72 MB)
10 job single page display (133.49 MB)
11 job single page social share (119.09 MB)
2 job book mark model (36.19 MB)
3 bookmark api (151.13 MB)
4 unbookmark api (39.4 MB)
5 bookmark get api (49.35 MB)
6 bookmark unbookmark (135.33 MB)
7 bookmark and unbookmark issue fix (35.18 MB)
8 job single page (125.66 MB)
9 job single page api (158.63 MB)
1 job apply function (82.67 MB)
2 jobapply model (24.5 MB)
3 fetch job apply function (67.48 MB)
1 mongodb connection (81.23 MB)
2 handlesubmit and error fix (157.99 MB)
3 password hash (35.32 MB)
1 blog schema (27.33 MB)
2 blog get and post api (68.69 MB)
3 blog put and delete api (70.89 MB)
4 add blog page (79.91 MB)
5 blog handle submit function (131.84 MB)
6 blogs on admin dashboard (79.52 MB)
7 edit blog page (107.26 MB)
8 fetch blog page on home page (54.17 MB)
9 blog single page (103.92 MB)
1 admin dashboard api (107.74 MB)
2 admin dashboard page (150.46 MB)
1 company dashboard api (58.3 MB)
2 company dashboard (43.36 MB)
1 candidate dashboard api (45.67 MB)
2 candidate dashboard (81.68 MB)
3 candidate applied job fetch on the dashboard (168.12 MB)
1 candidate data (109.5 MB)
2 company data (66.86 MB)
1 next-auth login (154.5 MB)
2 next-auth configuration (153.78 MB)
3 next-auth useSession (69.14 MB)
1 creating page for admin ,candidate, company (53.81 MB)
2 protect page (148.71 MB)
3 admin layout (110.21 MB)
4 candidate layout (68.63 MB)
5 company layout (60.22 MB)
1 industry model (79.33 MB)
10 industry update and delete method (127.8 MB)
11 perform crud opration (75.16 MB)
12 context api explain (235.59 MB)
2 industry context api (96.14 MB)
3 industry post and get api (85.35 MB)
4 industry put and delete api (90.49 MB)
5 industry data seeding (90.38 MB)
6 create industry page (118.47 MB)
7 industry list page (69.75 MB)
8 industry page (15.89 MB)
9 industry create and fetch method (112.11 MB)
1 organization model (46.84 MB)
10 organization list component (58.79 MB)
11 organization page (153.46 MB)
12 organization data seeding (120.27 MB)
13 organization context api explain (100.12 MB)
2 organization get and post api (88.21 MB)
3 organization put and delete api (34.45 MB)
4 organization context method (61.86 MB)
5 organization wrapping (49.53 MB)
6 organization create context api (86.97 MB)
7 organization fech context api (43.25 MB)
8 organization context put and delete method (123.4 MB)
9 organization create page (93.23 MB)
